PADAYAW SA TINAMPO (Island's Festival)
A people’s celebration through streetdancing and merriment to the beat of music on major streets, highlighted by choreographed theatrics. Held every 24th of October to coincide with the province’s foundation anniversary celebration.
This is held during the celebration of the province's anniversary and a tribute to its founders, to continuously remind the people of Catanduanes of the province's independence from the province of Albay.
Main features:
Street Dance (Pantomina), Beauty Pageant, Agro-Trade Fair, Guided Tours, Photo Exhibits, etc. This festival is held every 24th of October in Virac, Catanduanes
thanks to:

Kalbaryo is a re-enactment of the Passion of Christ, staged in all parishes during season of Lent or the Holy Week.
Catanduanes is famous for its "Kagharong Festival", a folk-religious activity depicting a Christmas tradition. Held every 16th to the 25th of December, it reenacts the search of Joseph and Mary for a place to stay in Bethlehem.

A depiction of the rejection by the Jews of Joseph and Mary in their search for a place to stay in anticipation of the delivery of Jesus on the eve of the Nativity. It is held every year during the Yuletide Seasonthis is a folk-religious related activity depicting a Christmas tradition.
The activity centers on the re-enactment of the plight of St. Joseph and Virgin Mary, in their search for a place to stay overnight in the town of Bethlehem. They reenact through singing. It is held from December 16 to December 25.